Stay cool and save energy this summer (Updated)

It’s 30 something degrees outside and you can’t even escape the heat in your classroom or home without hitting the little snowflake on the air conditioner remote. Air conditioners are often considered necessities for comfort during warmer months, but they aren’t particular energy efficient. So what are our options?
Rare air
There are so many myths around air conditioner usage and the perfect temperature. To keep it simple, the closer your air conditioner temperature is to the actual outside temperature the more efficiently it will cool. If it’s 35 degrees outside, try setting the aircon to 25 rather than 19. If you’re desperate to cool down, try setting the temperature on a lower temperature for 10 minutes before switching back to a more efficient temperature. Also don’t forget to ensure filters are cleaned for optimal performance.
Fan out
Fans may seem like ancient, outdated technology but when used correctly can make a huge difference to comfort levels and are significantly better for the environment and your energy bills when compared to air conditioners. Modern fans often warm when in reverse so always check the blades are spinning counterclockwise.
Light work
LED bulbs have become the norm over the past few years but if you do come across an older bulb, replace it yourself or asked to have it changed. LED bulbs use significantly less energy and generate almost no heat compared to incandescent, halogen and CFL bulbs.
Appliance defiance
Avoid using heat-generating appliances during the day. This includes ovens, dishwashers, older washing machines and larger televisions, especially non-LED models. If you must use them, try to do so in the evening or early morning when it is cooler outside.
Throw shade
We naturally think of big shady trees providing respite from the hot sun and the same logic can be applied to keeping internal spaces cool. If you’re able to shade windows with plants, shade cloth or awnings you will notice a measurable improvement.
Hold the doors
Keeping the hot air out is just as important as keeping the cool air in. Once you have your space at a desirable temperature remember to keep doors, windows, blinds and curtains closed to reduce outside air seeping in.
Breezy does it
Open windows and doors on opposite sides of your home or classroom to create a cross breeze. This will help to circulate the air and keep your home cool.
Dress to suppress
Obviously what you wear can impact your body temperature and level of personal comfort but it’s not always practical to wear singlets and shorts. Check the fabric compositions of your garments and opt for cooler natural fibers like cotton, linen, and silk during hotter periods.
If you have any tips or hacks for summer please let us know! Please send recommendations or feedback to