As the Australian bushfire crisis continues to devastate large parts of the country, you may be wondering what exactly you can do to help. Emergency services are doing their best, international celebrities and everyday Australians have donated an astonishing amount of funds but what else can be done to help out?

Give Blood

Australian Red Cross is always seeking blood donours but even more so during emergencies. It’s easier than you think, just check if you’re eligible to donate blood or plasma, make an appointment in your area and then show up for the pain-free donation process.

Donate Goods

Make sure your donation is solicited, charities don’t generally want your broken sofa or old Pokemon costume. Check for updates directly from recognised organisations like the Salvation Army, Vinnies or GIVIT who will request only specific items needed at any given time.

Support the Supporters

Thousands have volunteered time as firefighters, in support roles, or by providing emergency shelter and food. If you’re able to support these individuals and small businesses, please do so.

Holiday Closer to Home

Tourism Australia has just launched a huge “holiday here this year”  advertising campaign to encourage Australians to plan their next holiday in-country. By holidaying in Australian, fire-affected communities will be able to recover faster.

Don’t Forget the Animals

Too many animals have perished and the survivors have lost their habitats. Organisations such as WIRES, RSPCA and WWF been inundated with furry survivors. Consider fostering animals or offering other direct support to your local animal shelter.

Understand and Prepare

These fires are not normal. Spend time to research and understand the link between our changing climate and dangerous conditions.  Apply to be a volunteer for future emergencies (if you’re old enough) and engage with local decision-makers to help best prepare in your region.

Photo credit: David Mariuz / AAP Image via Reuters