Success for Solar-powered Student Housing
A not-for-profit housing complex for low-income students from Sydney University has just celebrated a solar victory. After ‘revolting’ to have a solar energy system installed, and over a year in the making, the ‘Stucco’ complex has just registered reduced power bills of around 55 percent for its first year of operation. The system utilising 36 batteries to store generated power for use during expensive peak hours.
This is not only a massive win for the 40 or so students in the complex but also a great example of communities coming together to advocate for local sustainable energy projects.
Claire O’Rourke from community-based organisation Solar Citizens, is a vocal supporter of the project. “Landlords and renters everywhere should be inspired by this project [Stucco] and look at starting up similar projects that help them save money and spearhead that revolution we want to see.”
Follow the full story over at ABC News.